Tag: doula

Unexpected lesson from postpartum depression

Nine months after giving birth to my oldest daughter I was diagnosed with postpartum depression. It didn’t come on at nine months, it’s just that it got so bad at that point that I finally realized it and sought out help. Before giving birth to my youngest daughter I thought back on that experience and… Read more »

To Doula or Not to Doula? That Is the Question!

Guest post by Diana Guidry  During my first pregnancy, I thought that I had searched high and low on every mom group, internet forum, and plenty of google searches. I thought that I knew everything there was to know about pregnancy and childbirth. When I sat down to write my birth plan, I knew that… Read more »

How a Maternity Nurse Can Make Parenthood Easier

Guest blog by Anne Harris of  londongoverness.com. Having a baby is the pivotal moment in the life of every human being. More often than not, parents realize that real parenthood is much different from what they were taught in their parenting classes. With the first drops of your colostrum milk, the first night crying and first changed diapers,… Read more »