Beth Berry has a revolution in her bones. It began when she was seventeen, pumping milk in the high school bathroom for her now-grown eldest daughter, and has gradually evolved into a tender, fiery conviction to reclaim motherhood from every disempowering personal and cultural story she can wrap her head and heart around.
As an author, life coach, group facilitator, teacher, and mother of four daughters (ages 14, 17, 20, and 27), she has spent thousands of hours mentoring and supporting mothers throughout their process of self-discovery, self-reclamation, and dream realization.
In this episode, you will hear about:
- Beth’s book: Motherwhelmed
- Self-sacrifice in order to be a good mother
- Being a multi-passionate person
- The idea of soul fire
- The system is not set up to keep your soul fire burning brightly
- Creating a community for moms to lean on
- A painful couple of years with the pandemic
- Take your self-awareness & personal growth seriously
- Let healing from hyper-independence be an experiment
- Let life be messy!
- Moon cycle gatherings
- Repairing sister wounds
- Belonging book
- If Women Rose Rooted book
- Women who Run with the Wolves book
- The Hold Wild book
- The Call of the Wild book
- Matricentric Feminism book
- You don’t have to “be more woke” to make sister bonds
- Beth Berry’s blog
Connect with Beth:
- Website:
- Instagram: @revolutionfromhome
- Facebook: @revolutionfromhome
Up next, Cilla Whatcott returns to the podcast to dive even deeper into the world of homeopathy for pregnancy and birth. Listen to our first conversation here!