Beth is the founder and Executive Director of Epidemic Answers, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to reestablishing vibrant health in our children. She is also the creator and Executive Producer of The Documenting Hope Project, a multi-year prospective research study and media project that examines the cumulative impact of environmental stressors on health and their mitigation through personalized and systems-based treatment approaches. Beth is the mother of three children and is passionate about raising awareness about the connection between daily choices, human health, and planetary health.
- How Beth got into her work at Epidemic Answers (2:29)
- How to talk to practitioners when you disagree with the diagnosis (10:14)
- How to support your kids who have health issues (16:09)
- How to work with your doctor and create a wellness team (21:33)
- What’s contributing to childhood chronic conditions and how we can turn it around (25:20)
- Total Load Theory (28:30)
- Living in sync with nature (32:44)
- Healing can take time (34:00)
- Three steps towards a healthy family (35:15)
- Documenting Hope Project (37:30)
- Chirp Survey: Child Health Inventory for Resilience and Prevention (37:50)
- Using the Chirp Survey Report to clean up your home (38:36)
- Take the Chirp Survey Report and see a Health Coach (39:38)
- Find a health-conscious friend to stay on track (40:30)
- Practitioner Directory (43:40)
- Health Coach Directory (43:50)
- Health Coaching Training Program (44:00)
You can also follow her on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter.