Pure Nurture: A Holistic Guide to a Healthy Baby Free Gifts
Here you will find the free gifts offered from the book Pure Nurture.
Please feel free to download, print and share with friends.
Self-Care Support Sheet
This is a summary sheet where you can write down the Self-Care Support tools and tips that inspire you the most. Print it out, fill it in, and hang it where you will see it often.
Circle of Life
This is an exercise will help you discover which “primary foods” you need to fill up on most.
There are 12 sections on the circle. Look at each section and place a dot on the line marking how satisfied you are with each area of your life. A dot placed at the center of the circle or close to the middle indicates dissatisfaction, while a dot placed on the periphery indicates ultimate happiness. When you have placed a dot on each of the lines, connect the dots to see your circle of life. You will have a clear visual of any imbalances in primary food and a starting point for determining where you may wish to spend more time and energy to create balance and joy in your life. (Original Circle from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition 2009)